Sunday, October 27, 2013

Penchant for Green......

When I first started thrift shopping I was drawn to green, specifically green glass.  I usually collect things in color phases...about 10 years ago I had a teal phase.  I worked in a bead store at the time so I have an abnormal collection of teal glass beads, mostly Czech pressed glass.  It makes me laugh every time I open the "teal" drawer.  Then I had an orange phase.....  I had a matching orange car and orange phone!

Fortunately for me green was a popular color in the 70's and I'm also drawn to the 70's kitsch housemates, avocado and olive, oh yes!

Part of my thrifted green glass collection
Floriform olive green glass canisters by Oiva Toikka in my Etsy shop Here

Of course I don't limit myself to the 70's.  I don't limit myself to any decade, ha. Except the eighties, can we ignore the 80's please? Yes? Thank you.

The Window Rainbow

Found these at a GW in phoenix, picked them up not knowing what the were, about a year later I was researching the florifom green canisters and found out they are Kastehelmi plates, also designed by Oiva Toikka.  I love when that happens!
Kastehelmi plates
Kastehelmi plates in my Etsy shop, HERE
I also created a pinterest board for my green obsession.   Do you have a penchant for a specific color right now?